The Roman Project

The Roman Project

Located in Cote-Nord, Quebec




    Eastern Quebec, Cote-Nord Region

  • SIZE:

    ~6,500 Hectares


    Active Grassroots Exploration


  • Property located in Cote-Nord, Quebec
  • Highest recorded lithium value in grab samples in northeastern Quebec
  • Adjacent to Brunswick Exploration
  • Prospective geology, with several known pegmatites
  • Unexplored since 1997
  • Road, camp and power with hydroelectric dam located with 30 kilometres

  • Mining-friendly jurisdiction


The Roman property was acquired because it contains the highest recorded lithium value in a grab sample of the entire Côte-Nord region (300,000 km2) which was never followed-up by subsequent exploration. New infrastructure in the area also makes the property more appealing and easier to explore.

Location and Infrastructure

The property is located 92 kilometres of Havre Saint-Pierre, Cote-Nord, Quebec and is accessible by helicopter only. A new hydroelectric dam (La Romaine 3) was recently built approximately 25 kilometres northeast of the property which is accessible by an all-weather road.


The property is located in the west margin of the sedimentary basin from oriental segment of the Grenville Province. This basin, with an area of more than 8100 km2, includes mainly metasandstone, metapellites and effusive metavolcanites or hypabyssal from mafic to felsic compositions. This sedimentary sequence is designed here by the Wakeham Group. To the west, it is in contact with the Buit Complex. The Buit Complex is an assemblage of gneissic, felsic and foliated intrusive units with some amphibolites and sediments enclaves. Further west, this complex borders the Havre-Saint-Pierre rocks.

The property is entirely located in the Buit Complex, mainly within the foliated granite with biotite and muscovite with locally pegmatites. A small portion of the northeast part of the property shows a presence of the biotite, muscovite, garnet and sillimanite paragneiss with quartzite.

Locally, some amphibolites and gabbroic enclaves were recognized during a government regional mapping in 1997, mainly in the southern border of the small lake to the north of the LaFrance Lake. Several pegmatitic dykes were also identified in the same program. These pegmatites are moderately foliated. They are mostly composed of quartzo-feldspathic material. These rocks are also reported to contain biotite (1-15%) and muscovite (1-3%). Accessory minerals are sphene, zircon and allanite.

Exploration History

Past exploration work is limited the survey completed by the government in 1997, in which a grab sample (No. 1997013454), located in the southern border of a small lake in the central portion of the property, has revealed an anomalous value of 442 ppm Li and some significant values of 830 ppm Rb, 258 ppm Zn and 300 ppm Zr. No follow-up work was undertaken thereafter.

NeoTerrex Work

NeoTerrex will begin exploration on the property in 2024. Initial efforts will focus on locating and assaying the numerous pegmatites and reconnaissance geological mapping.

High-grade critical rare earths at surface

Highest recorded lithium value in grab samples in northeastern Quebec

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